Friday, June 18, 2010

Who is REALLY in control...the answer might surprise you

This is an interesting question I get asked quite often from CEOs and business leaders when they are wondering what they should do about social media.  The question comes up as to which group could benefit the most and in larger organizations, who is in "control" of social media.  And especially for CEOs, who live their lives being in control, this is a very interesting and common question.

Let me first start with a basic thought for every group.  The term "own" is one that is very scary in the world of social media.  If you get right down to it, the company or organization doesn't "own" the customer any longer, the customer "owns" the company.  Think of it this way, with social media, EVERY CUSTOMER has a microphone today when they use social media.  That in and of itself is a scary thought.

When you think about it, it is really true and really important to understand this concept.  The social networks and social media tools make it incredibly easy for anyone with a computer, phone or simple internet connection to get their voice in the airwaves.  And people are listening...

When you see numbers like 14% of the audience believes advertising and 78% believes the opinion of others talking about you and your products/services, you realize you are no longer in control.  So what can you control?  First, lose the word "control" from your vocabulary of social media.  Replace it with the word "influence" or "advocacy" or "guide" instead of control and you will be closer to reality.  These words best describe what we are really experiencing with social media today.

My recommendation is to start thinking of conversations you can "start" and "contribute" to that relate to your customer experiences and you will be much closer to tapping the power of social media for your organization. If you want "word-of-mouth on steroids" then talk about, showcase, highlight these experiences and the customers engaged in them.  You will find significantly more opportunity for your message to go "viral" and spread through the social media airwaves.  But most of all, lose the idea you are in "control".


  1. Interesting article. Social media is a whole new animal that everyone is trying to get their head around on how to make it work for them. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing your comments - yes it is a whole new animal and attorneys are a group we work extensively with that is finding their way around at the moment. Marketing is difficult for attorneys - social media helps change that game dramatically and give them the ability to market freely - when done right.

    Thank you.

