Wednesday, May 19, 2010

True "Word-of-Mouth" - at an individual level

Thousands of people, millions of stories, and when you look at it from this perspective, it doesn’t really mean that much.  But when you look in the eyes of one person, as I did with Loa Griesbach, you see a different story and this one has a face, a beautiful face at that.

I met Loa at the Redmond Rousers Rotary meeting last night when she was telling her story and it hit me.  Not that she was a quadriplegic who had been in a terrible car accident.  Nor was it about how a great organization, Pushing Boundaries, was there to help her along the way with her exercise and health needs.  No, it was something else…

It was Word-of-Mouth.  Here was a beautiful young lady, a ballet dancer as a matter of fact, who had a life changing moment one day when she was in a car accident at age 17 and her spinal cord was injured.  Life was never going to be the same.  But even with being on a ventilator she told her story about hope and accomplishment.  She is confined to a wheel chair but still managed to finish high school – no wait, she finished college at Seattle Pacific University with a degree in history – no wait, she is thinking of applying to medical school – unbelievable!

Then I thought, “What could “I” do for her, after hearing her story?”  I could donate, I could empathize, I could even volunteer – but only as one person.  But wait, what business am I in again?  Oh, yea, social media and creating Word-of-Mouth on Steroids for companies.  So it hit me – why shouldn’t Loa get the same treatment?  What if we could spread the word “virally” to my networks of “followers” and they spread to their network and so on until tens of thousands of people know Loa’s story.  Bingo.

So rather than going out and campaigning and fundraising (although that would probably be appreciated by Pushing Boundaries since they are a non-profit), my goal was to just get people to say HELLO to Loa and give her some words of encouragement – virally and via social media.  Get the Word-of-Mouth working to just let her know someone thought about her today and said HI.  So if you are reading this, simply leave her a comment on this post and “MAKE HER DAY.”  Let’s do it…spend 1 minute and create a smile – that’s word-of-mouth on steroids.


  1. Hi Loa, Thank You so much for coming to tell your story at the Rotary Club of Redmond Rousers. We all felt your words and want to help in the Pushing Boundaries told. Congratulations on your accomplishments...YOU GO GIRL!
    Rouser & Friend!
    Kelly Kyle

  2. Thanks Kelly - I'm sure she appreciated - she did ROCK - somehow I think she is going to make it and be quite a success story.

  3. Loa, your amazing accomplishments and "can do" spirit are something that helps us all believe. I am so glad you shared your story, and thankful Blaine helped in turn share your story with others like me. I am thrilled to see what you have done with your life, and just know you will continue to inspire others as you continue along your journey. Please keep telling your story and letting us all know how you are doing.

  4. Loa,

    I have been home for 7 months with what is likely Lyme disease. Your courage and example do encourage me to look at whats possible when you make a choice and commit to it. I can only imagine the wisdom, learnings and strength you have picked up along your journey. Thank you for saying yes to life vs. being a victim.

    I am sending you blessing and will pray that the resources you are looking for will show up as you continue to attract others to your cause.

    With appreciation

    Tom Loeswick

  5. Loa, we are so grateful to you for sharing your story and wish you all the best!

    Katie Stickney, The Redmond Blog

  6. Met a man yesterday who is in rehabilitation after an accident left him less abled. The strength and positive attitude of these two people who are facing greater difficulties is truly inspirational/motivational. Thanks for sharing!

  7. The courage and strength of Loa and others who face similar situations are more than inspiring. It encourages me to focus on what really matters in life. Thanks for sharing Loa's story.

  8. Loa,

    I am inspired by your strength and determination. Keep pushing to realize your dreams.

  9. Loa,
    Every time I see you... I'm a little bit better than I just was.

