As usual, it was slated to be a fast paced, information packed and lively session where 28 entrepreneurs with a variety of newly created products meets investors - with the hopes that something will strike a chord between the two and another success story is born. That is the format and venue for the Zino Zillionaire event. Oh yes, and of course we can't forget that Zino awards its own $100,000 split between the top tech and non-tech winners - very nice.
Only this year th
Cathi asked Clay and I to set up and run the Social Media component for the event - specifically managing the twitter feeds. This was a NEW EXPERIENCE for us with such a large audience (over 200 people) in such a fast paced environment - very exciting. We're happy to say we pulled it off and everyone was fascinated by the twitter messages being flashed on the screen. It was exciting and definitely put Zino ahead of the curve with being creative, innovative and ahead of the pack in using Social Media to communicate to a very large group inside and outside an event. Thank you Cathi and everyone at Zino for allowing us to work with you on this and to demonstrate the power of twitter and Social Media in a true business setting. We'll be back next year...
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