Why was I there? They were interested, like many other CEO's in the area, in learning more about the Social Media Revolution and how his new phenomena of communications could impact their businesses. They were eager to hear my message about what the "tools of Social Media" are and how they fit together to become this powerful business communications force.
I shared the concepts and advantages of blogging, social networking (myspace, facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter) and the other elements that make up this powerful suite we call Social Media. By sharing a number of examples about how companies are using these today, they were able to understand how Social Media will be changing the landscape of how we communicate, build relationships, improve the customer experience and achieve business goals faster and cheaper than ever before. The group responded very favorably and asked some excellent questions.
The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, led by Betty Nokes, CEO and President, is really looking ahead to how they can personally use Social Media to build even more value for their members and the businesses in the Bellevue community. I commend Betty for her willingness to allow us to share a somtimes shocking message about how dramatically this landscape is changing. I also want to personally thank Jim Frank of Human Capital Resources, a human capital solutions company, for introducing me to Betty and the Chamber. Jim attended one of our early seminars and became "enlightened" and felt this was an important message to share with his fellow EBRT members - thanks Jim, the members are all a little better off today because of your willingness to share our message.
I also wanted to recognize a few of the members of EBRT that I had the opportunity to talk with at the event. Donna Shirey of Shirey Contracting, sponsors of the Zero Energy Idea House (check this out - way cool), Nancy Cho, President and CEO of Oki Golf, Dave Ferguson, CEO of Click Engineering, Jim Hebert, Hebert Research, John Parkey, and George Bartell of Bartell Drugs - just to name a few. What a great group of people. I would encourage anyone to join the Chamber and in particular the EBRT group. Definitely call Betty if you are interested. This group will definitely make things happen in our area...
Blaine Millet
Customer Experiences Inc.
twitter: @BlaineMillet
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